Archive for January 4, 2013

Patience in Millcreek Canyon

My older son and I were hiking in Millcreek Canyon the other day, marveling in the winter wonderland and giving our new snow-shoes a test-drive.

Snowy Millcreek Canyon Stream 1

After taking the above photo, a man on cross-country skis came up the trail behind us and entered into the area that I had used to frame the photo….

Snowy Millcreek Canyon Stream 2

I had noticed the little opening in the canopy of trees up the trail and was hoping to capture an image that had eluded me a couple of months earlier when hiking on a beautifully golden, Fall trail in another canyon.

Snowy Millcreek Canyon Stream 3

Ever since I had seen Andy Hooker’s photograph of a woman passing an open garden gate, I had been looking for an opportunity to capture a similar image….

Snowy Millcreek Canyon Stream 4

…and here it is, below…my rendition of the woman silhouetted against the opening of the garden gate…the man on cross-country skis passing through the snowy canopy of trees along Millcreek Canyon’s stream….

Snowy Millcreek Canyon Stream 5

Thank you, Andy….